Friday, August 22, 2008

2 Most Common Posture Mistakes in Class

Dear girls,

I have seen so many of these 2 mistakes happening in class. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror and see whether you have such a problem. Also, I would most likely have told you in class about it and the correction method.

Correct these mistake (if you have them) is vital for you future training and will benefit you greatly in future grades if you do not have such body posture. These mistake CAN be corrected with consistant effort and constant reminder.

In this post, I will teach you how to correct them. This is especially for girls who have not been paying attention in my classes.

Mistake #1 - Knocked Knees

Knocked knees is a condition whereby the inner legs are relatively longer than the outer legs. If you have knocked knees you will find it extremely difficult to stand in 1st position with your heels touching. So in order to stand with fully stretched knees you will end up standing with one knee in front of the other. (see picture "knocked knees).

This is WRONG and will cause more serious damage to your growing legs. Therefore you will need to correct yourself by standing with the knees touching side by side. In doing so, you will notice a little gap in between your heels. This is acceptable. Do not worry about that. (see picture "corrected")

Mistake #2 - Swayed / ached back

Swayed back is a condition whereby you will find your tummy protuding out from you waist and your hips "sticking" out. I always call that position a "Donald Duck" position in class.

Credits: Yeo Rei of Crestar Hougang

Look at the picture "swayed/arched back". When you stand like this in class, you are not strengthening your tummy muscles and hence will not improve in your ballet. This posture will hinder you in future grades will you learn turns and when you start wearing your pointe shoes.

You have to correct it by pushing the tummy backwards, thinking of your belly-button touching your spine. Drop your hips down so that they are in line with you legs and not protuding out.

After you think about all these, you will be able to stand just like the girl in the "corrected" picture. Remember: tummys IN, chest slightly forward and in line with your toes, shoulders down and hips in line with the legs.

~ Ms Lovell

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